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Stressfree Management

Natural Therapies Clinic - +61414680713
Online & In Clinic Services
Therapy Sessions


Natural supplements for your wellbeing

Get healthy and stay healthy


Stress Management

Let us help you destress and relax. Learn how to stop worrying and start living.


Reiki, Energy &Theta Healing

What is Reiki? Why do I need energy healing? For many reasons - find out why.

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Is it time you had a change? Would you rather be doing something more in sync with your inner self than where you are at right now? Why not do a course? Who knows what future it can lead you to?

 Meditation & Mindfulness

Meditation is an amazing tool to give you peace of mind, focus you, increase your concentration, connect you spiritually and much, much more. Let us show you how!

Hypnotherapy& NLP 

Is it time to change those negative patters? We can help you do that in line with your goals. We can help you become more positive about your life also by making you more aware of your head talk.

Check this out...

Nutritional Cooking

Diet & Nutrition

Eat Right, Feel Right!

Over 40 years experience to assist you to reach your goals to get your food right, your health and much, much more. 

Aromatherapy is not just a case of making the room smell nice or playing with sweet smelling oils. Aromatherapy is a method of enlisting one of our most powerful senses – the sense of smell to help alleviate illness.

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Talk to someone confidentially about how to overcome all those fears and negative habits. Have a new toolkit to progress your life in a positive direction.

Are you sensitive to wheat, yeast, lactose? Does your stomach get upset when you eat chilli or do you get bloated when you have potatoes? Do you sneeze when you are exposed to certain plants? Are you sensitive to dust? Find out.

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Crystals & Feng Shui

Interested in Crystals or having the right vibes in your home or office? We can do that for you. Call us out for a consult or visit for a healing.

Lifestyle Management

When is going to be the right time for YOU to do YOUR thing? How long have you been putting off all those things you have wanted to do? 

Corporate Services

Our techniques make the picture of the tired, rushed executive who has quick lunches, long hours and rushed deadlines, a thing of the past. We follow the lead of many USA and European companies by implementing new strategies.

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Lots of neat stuff for you or someone you love. Take a look!

Workshops & Seminars

Corporate seminars are specifically designed programs to meet your corporate needs on ways to decrease employee sick days, reduce staff turnover, promote common goals and teamwork, increase staff loyalty and motivation. 

About me

For over 40 years I have worked in this industry. It is my passion! My life. And a big part of my life is to help you succeed in your goals and dreams. To get healthy and stay healthy. I have spent my time learning all these modalities to be able to put them together to help you have a better quality of life and to have the knowledge to pass it on to your family, friends & children. Never let anyone take away your dream and all of the above will be holistically put together to give you whatever you need in your personal and/or corporate progress. Call or email me today for an appointment and lets get you started!



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Need a simple book to explain what the natural modalities are? In just a few pages per chapter Jenetta will lead you through a myriad of modalities and remedies. Everything from heart disease to relationship issues to why not to eat wheat. Check it out now...

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Need Help - Call our Hotline Right Now!

Call our Natural Therapies Hotline for online FREE advice from a trained natural therapist

Why Choose Stressfree Management?
​Opting for Stressfree Management means aligning yourself with a tailored, holistic wellness pathway. Here’s why our centre stands out:
  • Expert Guidance: Navigate your wellness journey with our accredited specialists, offering expert guidance with empathy and skill.

  • Personalised Experience: Your unique needs and desires are our priority, ensuring a wellness solution that’s distinctly yours.

  • Holistic Approach: We explore beyond the superficial, nurturing your mind, body, and spirit in unison.

  • We embark with you on your wellness journey, providing unwavering support and understanding.


Award winning meditation and counselling expert in Western Sydney ®

Wow! I went from quivering in my shoes from the ex to having a brand new man in my life, my own house and travelling overseas for the job I love. I can handle my family and life just flows. Thanks Jenetta.   

J.L Merrylands March 2018

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