Solar Panels Wollongong, 2500

Go Solar with Isolux

Isolux Solar is one of the renowned solar panel installation company in Wollongong, NSW. We are a CEC (Clean Energy Council) certified solar power installer in Wollongong. We have a network of solar systems, PV batteries, grids, and other providers, to offer cost-effective solar system and installation to our customers in Wollongong.

We have installed many solar panels in Wollongong. We helped many residential and commercial houses to reduce their power bills by installing solar panels in Wollongong.

Solar Installers Wollongong

Install Solar Panels in Wollongong today with Isolux! Have questions regarding Solar? Get in touch with us today. Isolux is a well-known Solar Installation Company in Sydney, NSW.

With new technology, the installation cost falls drastically, and many homeowners and businesses are switching to solar PV systems to power their homes and commercial properties. Solar Systems Wollongong is a great way to save money, no matter what your budget is.

By choosing Isolux Solar Energy Wollongong as your solar power installer, you are choosing the best solar installers in Wollongong. We provide the highest quality and reliable system. This means that once we install one of our quality-backed solar power systems with an inverter and battery for solar energy storage, it is guaranteed to serve you for years to come.

Benefits if you get Solar Installed from Isolux

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Get a Free, No Obligation Quote Today!

Isolux solar offers are unbeatable!!
$0 upfront deposit, Save first and pay strategy, 25 years of warranty of solar panels, 10 years for warranty of inverter, flexible repayments, unbeatable prices, CEC Approved.

Residential Solar Panels Wollongong

Many homeowners ask a question to all Solar panel installation companies. Will my solar panels system produce enough energy to meet my daily requirements? Homeowners in Wollongong can choose us to stay rest assured about residential solar panel installation for their houses. Our experienced engineers will ensure you get better value over the money:

1. Selecting the right residential solar systems in Wollongong for you
2. Propose the most beneficial residential solar panel installation
3. Accurate installation to ensure panels do not develop any sort of fault and give optimal performance

6.6kw Solar System

Small Family
  • Output (kwh/year) : 9,500 to 10,500*
  • Suitable for : $250-$400 bills
  • 18 X 370 W Tier 1 Solar Panels 18 x 370 watt high-efficiency solar panels
  • 5 KW Inverter Smart Technology Inverter with built in Wi-fi Tracking
  • High Quality Mounting Kit 10 years manufacturer’s warranty on mounting Kit
  • 25 years performance output warranty 15 years manufacturer’s warranty on panel
  • Australian standard high quality electrical material Installation by CEC accredited electricians. 10 years workmanship warranty available

13.2 kw Solar System

Large Family
  • Output (kwh/year) : 18,900 to 19,300*
  • Suitable for : $600+ bills
  • 36 X 370 W Tier 1 Solar Panels 36 x 370 watt high-efficiency solar panels
  • 1 x 10 Kw Inverter Smart Technology Inverter with built in Wi-fi Tracking
  • High Quality Mounting Kit 10 years manufacturer’s warranty on mounting Kit
  • 25 years performance output warranty 15 years manufacturer’s warranty on panels
  • Australian standard high quality electrical material Installation by CEC accredited electricians. 10 years workmanship warranty available

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Join our referral program and get rewarded for every successful installation.

Commercial Solar Panels Wollongong

Business owners can choose to contribute to a green environment by adopting solar if they have an independent rooftop. We are one of the renowned solar panels installers Wollongong who has mastered the art of maximizing utilization of solar power for commercial use.
By installing the right commercial solar power system, you not only save money, but you will also be able to reduce carbon footprints and save limited natural resources.

How much solar energy do Solar Panels Produce in Wollongong?

According to National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), Wollongong receives approximately 4.6 hours of solar radiation per day. It may decrease in the winter season and goes higher in the summer season. 1kW of solar panels produce around 3.9 kWh of solar energy by assuming the efficiency rate of the solar system around 85%.

Go Solar for $0 Upfront

Solar energy is today’s resource for a brighter tomorrow. Invest in your today by installing Solar Panels and secure your future with us. Become a part of renewable energy.

How Solar Panel Direction and Angle Affects Output In Wollongong

The potential of a solar power system depends on the location, position, inclination and orientation towards the sun. Solar direction must be toward an east direction which gives you a slight benefit. Due to the average lower temperature, solar panels operate more efficiently in the morning compared to in the afternoon. Solar panels produce more energy if the sun is directly perpendicular to the solar panels. In Wollongong, solar power output is higher when solar panels face north. In the north direction, your solar panels will receive maximum sunlight throughout the day. North-facing solar panels are the best choice for a residential solar panel installation. It will also have good environmental benefits.

Sometimes if the perfect north facing location is not available on the roof, we can use a west or east. An east-facing rooftop will gain more solar power energy in the morning, and the west-facing rooftop will gain more solar power in the afternoon.

The output of the solar panel not only depends on the direction of the solar panel but also depends upon the angle. Solar panel angle is not ideal then Solar output losses. Solar energy loss depends on the orientation and angle of the panels. In Wollongong, the solar panel angle ranges from 19° to 29°, and the optimal angle is 24° to receive maximum solar energy.

Solar Panel Installation Cost in Wollongong

The cost of Solar Systems Wollongong varies in many ways like the size of the system, solar system components and many other factors to be considered in determining the cost of solar panels like:

1. Roof Size
2. Requirement of Power
3. How much are you ready to spend Quality Solar Panels Components

Top Reasons to Use Solar Panel in Wollongong - Solar Installation Wollongong

Wollongong is one of those regions of Australia, which receive sufficient sunlight throughout the year. This can help in producing ample electricity from solar energy to leverage all below mentioned advantages:

1. Receiving benefits from the government, such as incentives, etc.
2. Save money over electricity bills
3. Don’t be dependent on a limited source of energy
4. Save fossil fuel and other natural resources for the future generation.

Get a solar power installation quote from a leading Wollongong Solar companies today.

Solar Battery Wollongong

Isolux provides the best battery for solar energy storage for residential solar which matches your requirements and allows you to use stored energy at night or whenever it is needed that has collected during the days.

Isolux emerged as a solar PV storage battery installer for residential solar systems in Wollongong. Our expert knows how to install solar panels, inverters and what capacity of storage batteries required for residential and commercial spaces. To save thousands of dollars on electricity bills. Get Solar energy in Wollongong & Solar Power in Wollongong – Get an experienced Solar System Installer in Wollongong to install the Solar Panel in Wollongong and Solar Panel Installation in Wollongong.

Get a Wollongong Solar Power Quote

Switching to solar helps you financially and sustainably. So why not go for the option that saves you 1000s of dollars for decades. Plus, your contribution to a greener environment is needed for a better world, for your future. Call our solar experts today for any kind of query! Do not hesitate to ask! Get an obligation-free quote.

Climate of Wollongong

Summer in Wollongong is warm with an average high of 25.6* in the month of January, while 8.3 degrees in winter in the month of July.

Solar Feed-In Tariffs In Wollongong

Surplus solar energy generated by your residential solar system that isn’t used for the household purpose will be sent into the grid is eligible for payments called feed-in tariffs. The rate of payment varies from electricity retailers.

Electricity Usage in Wollongong

The electricity usage by residents of Wollongong of 3 people will be around 6940 kW hours a year. The average uses around 34% more electricity in winter than summer.

Go Solar for $0 Upfront

Solar energy is today’s resource for a brighter tomorrow. Invest in your today by installing Solar Panels and secure your future with us. Become a part of renewable energy.
