Mazden Labour Services
Newcastle Central Coast Port Stephens

Our job is to assist you looking to hire staff or searching for employment.
Mazden is an Australian privately owned and operated business and has been a leading provider of contract labour for over 30 years in the Newcastle Region.
We have developed an ability to provide a reliable and affordable pool of labour to service the needs of your industry.

We’ll bend over backwards to help you

Thanks to our no-fuss attitude and our extensive experience in dealing with both employers and those seeking gainful employment, we have built a reputable database of tradespeople and skilled and unskilled workers who have consistently proven to be reliable and capable. Likewise, our numerous business clients and other employers ensure that we are in a position to constantly provide employment for a wide variety of trades and skills across the Newcastle region and on the Central Coast.

Providing labour hire solutions that are a perfect fit

Our highly experienced team of labour hire experts will find the perfect match for your business’s specific requirements. Whether you require qualified tradespeople such as engineers or plumbers, or you need high-quality unskilled labour, we can provide them for short and long-term contracts.


Projects Completed


Our policy is to provide straight forward No Fuss Labour Hire & Payroll services.

For over 30 years, Mazden has supplied reliable labour hire to the following industries:

The quality you expect, the service you deserve!

Benefits of using labour hire:

  • Allows you to get on with running your business rather than worrying about payroll and staffing issues.
  • Replacements for your staff if sick or injured
  • Allows you to run multiple projects at the same time
  • Allows you to de-hire labour quickly should there be any issues
  • No Workers’ Compensation or Unfair Dismissal Claim risks
  • No employee paper war
  • Emergencies – Immediate start available pending industry
  • Allows you to vary staff numbers daily
  • Your choice from our casuals for permanent consideration at no charge after four months casual hire 

Fill the form

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Step 1

Get estimate

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Step 2

Pick service time

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Step 3

Your pro arrives!

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Step 4

0249 460299