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Experience you can trust

Delivering legal solutions for over 40 years
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Experience you can trust

Delivering legal solutions for over 40 years
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Specialist legal advice & representation

Exceptionally tailored to your needs

For over four decades we have provided first rate legal advice, planning and representation to individuals and enterprises alike, on a wide range of issues across the legal spectrum.

As business owners operating a successful and longstanding law practice, our business knowledge is second to none, driving our ability to deliver optimised outcomes – every time.

And we’re proud of the reputation we’ve achieved and the enduring relationships we’ve established, supporting individuals, family businesses and SMEs of all kinds, both within and beyond our community.

Need legal help? Get started today
Complete these questions thoroughly and openly, and if you proceed with a consultation, our expert family lawyers will have your details and unique situation, ready at their fingertips – saving you time and money.
It’s a difficult time for everyone, so don’t add to your stress and confusion around Probate. Our automated system can provide you with the initial advice you need.
It’s important to ensure your loved ones are provided for, so when you’re ready to prepare your will, change a will or even if you’re just looking for advice, our online Estate Planning assistant is the best, first step.
We recognise that taking the first step in an estate dispute can be difficult, and it’s important for you to understand your role and the key steps of what will happen moving forward.

How we can help you

Founded in 1980, Frichot Lawyers is Fremantle’s leading and longest operating independent law firm. With the perfect mix of integrated expertise, our lawyers work together across practice areas to deliver agile, commercially-minded solutions to complex problems.

Practice Areas

We are a full-service law firm, with a long and proud history of delivering specialist legal advice, planning and representation to individuals and enterprises of all types – locally, nationally and beyond.

We are also the go-to law firm for family businesses and SMEs of all kinds who trust us to manage their business relationships and safeguard their operations into the future.

We are proud of these enduring relationships and recognise that they are integral to our success and longevity.

As a successful and longstanding law practice, not only do we know business, we do business. This is why securing optimised outcomes is at the heart of what we do, whether your matter is personal or business related.

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Frichot Floating 21

Specialist legal advice & representation, exceptionally tailored to your needs

Since 1980 Frichot Lawyers has been a thriving mainstay of the Fremantle business community, delivering superior legal services across all practice areas.

Utilising an agile and integrative approach, our lawyers combine knowledge and expertise to deliver innovative and commercially-minded solutions to complex problems.
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Expertise in enterprise... we know business

For over four decades, Frichot Lawyers has been a successful and trusted member of the Fremantle business community, known not only for our first-class legal services, but for our business knowledge and expertise. Our unparalleled grasp of business relationships and operations has made us the go-to law firm for smart family businesses in Western Australia and beyond.

Need legal help? Call us today