Our Mission
Aussie Bronze has been created for men and women who want a natural glowing tan and love being healthy from the inside out. Our mission at Aussie Bronze is to give tan lovers a healthy alternative to fake tan, that delivers great results instantly and is toxin free for your body.
Frequently Asked Questions?

Q: Can Aussie Bronze be used on the face?
A: Yes, it is safe to use on your face.

Q: As there is just one shade, how does it work with different skin tones?
A: Aussie Bronze is a mineral formula, which naturally adjusts to your skin’s natural tone.

Q: Am I able to get a darker tan with Aussie Bronze?
A: Yes! You can intensify the colour by layering Aussie Bronze. Ensure the first layer is totally dry before applying the next layer. For best results, apply in one generous layer.

Q: Can Aussie Bronze be used on very sensitive skin?
A: Absolutely. Aussie Bronze does not contain DHA whatsoever (not even in a natural or organic form), which often reacts to sensitive skin. Aussie Bronze is also Non-Comedogenic; it will not block or clog pores.

Q: How does Aussie Bronze colour if it doesn’t contain DHA?
A: Aussie Bronze colour is formulated using the finest cosmetic/food grade oxides and natural Mica’s.

Q: Are there any hidden nasty ingredients in Aussie Bronze?
A: NO! Aussie Bronze is a plant based, natural tinted moisturiser for the face and body. For more info, please refer to our full list of ingredients.

Q: Is there parfum in the ingredients?
A: NO! Our fragrance is a blend of essential oils and natural fragrance oils.

Q: Will Aussie Bronze rub off onto clothes?
A: When completely dry to touch, Aussie Bronze is transfer resistant. As with all body bronzers and self-tanners one should always be a little cautious when wearing white or other light coloured materials

Q: What happens if Aussie Bronze gets onto clothes?
A: Aussie Bronze will wash out. Just wash clothing as normal, following garment washing instructions.

Q: What happens if I sweat?
A: Aussie Bronze is water resistant. However if you sweat or are wet and rub with a dry towel/cloth the product will come off. Aussie Bronze is designed as a wash-off product.

Q: Will I look orange with Aussie Bronze?
A: No, Aussie Bronze is not made with any form of pigments that cause anyone to look orange.

Q: Will my hands or feet look dirty like fake tan?
A: No, you can feather Aussie Bronze down onto your hands and feet for a natural look.

Q: Like other bronzers, do I require a mitt or gloves to apply?
A: No, for best results apply Aussie Bronze as you would a moisturiser; pump a generous strip of the product onto the section of your leg or arm and then continue in sections over the face and body.

Q: Do I need to exfoliate before using?
A: No, The Aussie Bronze formula is nourishing and hydrating for your skin.

Q: Does Aussie Bronze get streaky?
A: Should you find there are streaks, this will be due to not having applied enough product. Simply remove the product after application with a damp dark coloured cloth and when the skin is completely dry, re-apply with a more generous amount.

Q: Does Aussie Bronze use any animal products or animal testing?
A: Absolutely not! Our product is vegan and we will never…ever test on animals or use any ingredients that have.

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